AAC Board of Directors

The AAC is made up of almost 60 Ontario agricultural, agri-food and rural organizations. It is these member organizations that annually elect 16 directors to serve on the AAC board. They are joined by 2, non-voting, liaisons from the federal and provincial government.

As a corporate body, the AAC directors have one client: the Ontario agri-food industry. The AAC board of directors has a unique understanding of funding program requirements, farming and agribusiness. It’s who they are and what they do. A complete list of the AAC’s membership and sectoral structure can be found by clicking here.

Peggy Brekveld

Peggy Brekveld


Representing: General Farm Interest

Peggy is a northern Ontario dairy farmer. She and her husband Gert own and operate Woodstar Farm, a 75-cow dairy operation. She is actively involved in promoting the importance of Ontario agriculture to politicians, municipalities, students and other community groups. Peggy is a Class 12 graduate of the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program.

Peggy was elected to the AAC board in 2015, as one of two General Farm Interest representatives on the board. She is currently serving as  Chair of the AAC board. She is also a director on the Canlead Solutions board, AAC's sister organization. Peggy is the past-President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and involved in President’s Council and CAHRC.