AAC Board of Directors

The AAC is made up of almost 60 Ontario agricultural, agri-food and rural organizations. It is these member organizations that annually elect 16 directors to serve on the AAC board. They are joined by 2, non-voting, liaisons from the federal and provincial government.

As a corporate body, the AAC directors have one client: the Ontario agri-food industry. The AAC board of directors has a unique understanding of funding program requirements, farming and agribusiness. It’s who they are and what they do. A complete list of the AAC’s membership and sectoral structure can be found by clicking here.

Jose Buenaventura Medina

Jose Buenaventura Medina

Representing: Agri-Business / Retail / Food Processor

Jose Buenaventura Medina joins the AAC board, representing the Agri-business, Food Processor, Retailer sector.

Jose was born in Mexico City and raised in Puebla, a culinary and colonial city of Mexico, He graduated from Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP) with a Bachelor Degree in Food Engineering and an MBA r. Jose also holds a Degree of Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management from the University of Liverpool, England.

Jose is the VP of regulatory, Food Safety and Quality Assurance for Dessert Holdings, a Member of the board of Directors for Food and Beverage Ontario and the vice chair of Middlesex London Food Policy Council.

Jose has worked in the food industry for over 30 years in different departments (Quality Assurance, Operations, and Continuous Improvement, amongst others) in a variety of roles including Maintenance Manager, Continuous improvement Manager and Plant Manager.

Jose has a passion for family, sports (Futbol, Hockey), Mexican food, and is actively involved in various social initiatives in his community.