AAC Board of Directors

The AAC is made up of almost 60 Ontario agricultural, agri-food and rural organizations. It is these member organizations that annually elect 16 directors to serve on the AAC board. They are joined by 2, non-voting, liaisons from the federal and provincial government.

As a corporate body, the AAC directors have one client: the Ontario agri-food industry. The AAC board of directors has a unique understanding of funding program requirements, farming and agribusiness. It’s who they are and what they do. A complete list of the AAC’s membership and sectoral structure can be found by clicking here.

Randal Goodfellow

Randal Goodfellow

Representing: Other Industries / Commodities

Randal was elected to the AAC board in 2022. He is the Other Industries/Commodities representative on the board.

Randal Goodfellow is a board member of the Ontario Maple Syrup Producer’s Association, and currently serves as the 1st Vice President responsible for Government and Industry Relations.

Randal is originally from the Eastern Townships of Quebec, growing up on a dairy farm which also had a maple syrup operation.  He received a BSc. In Agriculture from Macdonald College of McGill University and began his career in agricultural finance and held a senior position in the agricultural department with a major national banking institution and with the Farm Credit Corporation. Randal became the president of an Ottawa-based consulting firm in 1991 which focused on government relations and agricultural and forestry-based economic development projects. He later held an executive position with a renewable energy company, serving as the Senior Vice-President of Corporate Relations.

Randal has had extensive experience with federal government program and policy development and has served on various committees and advisory boards for national non-profits and local community organizations, including the Agricultural Business Program of Algonquin College and the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program, of which he is an alumnus (AALP -Class 2). Randal currently resides in Westport Ontario, Southwest of Ottawa where he has a maple syrup operation.